Coffee School

Code Editor

// add your crafty code here.


Console Log:

Part 1: Drawing the Player

Time estimate for Part 1: 5 minutes

Goal: Draw the Player’s avatar

To create the base entity for our player we use the following code:

Crafty.e("2D, DOM, Color");

This uses Crafty’s .e method to create an entity with the components “2D”, “DOM” and “Color”. Adding components to an entity in Crafty enables you to give it extra behaviour or functionality. 2D allows us to place the entity in the game’s view, while Color is used to draw coloured rectangles.

To create the rectangle on the screen we extend the entity with the following code:

Crafty.e("2D, DOM, Color") // Creating the entity and adding components
    .attr({x: 30, y: 30, w: 10, h: 10}) // Specifying point to draw from (x,y) and dimensions to use
    .color("#0000ff"); // Specifying the colour and drawing the rectangle

This produces a red rectangle, drawn 30 pixels down and 30 pixels across from the top-left of the scene. We have specified the rectangle’s width and height as 10 pixels.

So, what are you waiting for? Create a red box which is 40 units wide and 40 units tall! (P.S., red = #ff0000)